Welcome to Munsterflowers

Business Meetings

A visit to our tulip greenery is a perfect way to meet your business relations or colleagues. In the past years many companies and organisations have found us to be the perfect location for business meetings, product presentations, kick-off, customer events, press conferentions or photo shoot.

Depending on the group size and the goal of the meeting we take care of your event in our reception room, in the outdoor meetings accommodation or in the greenhouses. The possibilities vary from low budget meetings until full catering event with dinner and drinks. Please contact us to talk about the possibilities for your business event.

For groups up to 15 persons we offer the possibility to organize business meetings on our porch. 5.5. meters below sea level, in Dutch Lowlands, brainstorm session, meeting or business discussion.

The fresh air keeps everybody actively involved and the cosy atmosphere brings a good ambiance for small business meetings. The porch is accommodated with 4 heaters and a hearth so temperature is comfortable to meet from April until October. 

Our outdoor meeting accommodation has WiFi, beamer and screen, just like our indoor reception rooms. During the meeting we love to take care of coffee/tea with fresh pie or cake, lunch and/or drinks or dinner.

A guided tour through the greenery is a welcome break during the day where farmers wife Sandra loves to tell about innovative entrepreneurship. Also a partner program at colleague entrepreneurs in the region can be organised. Contact us to inform about the possibilities.

Business Meetings

A visit to our tulip greenery is a perfect way to meet your business relations or colleagues. In the past years many companies and organisations have found us to be the perfect location for business meetings, product presentations, kick-off, customer events, press conferentions or photo shoot.

Depending on the group size and the goal of the meeting we take care of your event in our reception room, in the outdoor meetings accommodation or in the greenhouses. The possibilities vary from low budget meetings until full catering event with dinner and drinks. Please contact us to talk about the possibilities for your business event.

For groups up to 15 persons we offer the possibility to organize business meetings on our porch. 5.5. meters below sea level, in Dutch Lowlands, brainstorm session, meeting or business discussion.

The fresh air keeps everybody actively involved and the cosy atmosphere brings a good ambiance for small business meetings. The porch is accommodated with 4 heaters and a hearth so temperature is comfortable to meet from April until October. 

Our outdoor meeting accommodation has WiFi, beamer and screen, just like our indoor reception rooms. During the meeting we love to take care of coffee/tea with fresh pie or cake, lunch and/or drinks or dinner.

A guided tour through the greenery is a welcome break during the day where farmers wife Sandra loves to tell about innovative entrepreneurship. Also a partner program at colleague entrepreneurs in the region can be organised. Contact us to inform about the possibilities.

Familie Munster genomineerd voor Het Sterkste Erf

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